Audiophile Speakers with 25 yr + Longevity

Curious as to what a list of these loudspeakers which "probably won't require maintenance until your kindergartner has earned their doctoral degree" might look like...

Showing 3 responses by kijanki

Ivan_nosnibor, My Hyperion HPS-938 speakers have 6.5" midrange with ferrofluid instead of suspension (spiderweb). Speakers are pretty new but I will face this problem in the future. Company itself, if still in business, may belly-up soon. I don't even know if tweeters have ferrofluid. Also, Wikipedia stated that ferrofluid has to be completely replaced with proper type. Are there any technicians that specialize in speaker repair?
John, Thank you very much. It doesn't sound that difficult. I have one spare (upper) cabinet damaged/crushed in shipping. Midrange speaker is broken into pieces (plastic frame) but I can play with it. Some details of the construction are here:
John, Thanks. I don't have problem now but like to take precautions for the future, before Hyperion goes bankrupt.