Audiophile speakers VS Studio Monitors.

Hi everyone. I record and mix music at home, and I'm wondering about audiophile speakers. Would you folks say that typically audiophile speakers will represent music more accurately than say Mackie, Dynaudio or ADAM studio monitors, for example?
I want to upgrade my KRK studio monitors, and I'm wondering if studio monitors are nothing more than a cheap imitation of audiophile speakers?
For recording and mixing, do you folks think I will do better with audiophile speakers like B&W Nautilus 805's than I would with some Mackie's?

Showing 1 response by thagrdnr

I am also very interested in this question. I am trying to figure out a good home studio setup which will work part-time as a regular nice-sounding home stereo. I have a pair of Spendor LS 3/5a's that I've been using, but those are really hard to get good high and low end precision out of. I have been researching a couple other options, like the Epos ES12 or ES14, but those are definitely more audiophile than studio monitor. I was just reading about the Green Mountain Audio Europas which many seem to love, but I can't see any threads that talk about them in a specific studio setting. Does anyone else have any advice on these speaker lines?