Audiophile speakers that rock well

I am interested in a monitor sized speaker that does all the audiophile tricks, but can also rock the house without bleeding my ears. Can I get both in a single speaker? I've heard some real good speakers that do vocals, acoutical type music well, but absolutle fail at R & R. Can I have the soundstaging, the imaging, etc.etc. With a speaker that rocks? Budget is $3K


Showing 3 responses by shakeydeal

Nick couldn't be more right about GMA speakers. I have never heard music reproduced so "right" in my room.

Pick up that used pair of Piega P-10s. They are excellent at rock and will play as loudly as you care to listen.

Sorry, I didn't see the "monitor sized" part of the original post before I made my Piega recommendation. But I agree with Duke, rock the house levels are best achieved with larger speakers. And if a "monitor sized" speaker is required because of the room size, then you aren't likely to achieve your goal anyway. If all you are concerned with is floor space, go for a floor standing speaker and reap the benefits it will offer.
