Audiophile speakers that rock well

I am interested in a monitor sized speaker that does all the audiophile tricks, but can also rock the house without bleeding my ears. Can I get both in a single speaker? I've heard some real good speakers that do vocals, acoutical type music well, but absolutle fail at R & R. Can I have the soundstaging, the imaging, etc.etc. With a speaker that rocks? Budget is $3K


Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

As I see it, there's a tradeoff relationship between "monitor-sized" and "does Rock well".

In order to have good bass, a small speaker has to trade off efficiency. That's not a problem; the problem comes when "rock the house" levels are demanded of that small, low-efficiency speaker. A small speaker's thermal and mechanical limits are likely to be reached well before "rock the house" levels are, and sound quality takes a hit at that point.

Often a floorstander takes up no more real estate than a monitor-type on a stand, and the extra internal volume allows the designer to do things he couldn't in the smaller box, often resulting in a speaker that works better for rock.

That being said, one of the better small speakers for rock was the Cliffhanger Bulldog. A three-way in a market segment dominated by two-ways, the addition of a midrange driver allowed use of a bass-optimized woofer that had more thermal power handling and mechanical excursion than similar-sized woofer which had to reach up an octave or two higher. Out of production, they show up for used from time to time.
