Audiophile quality streamer/server-in-one without a DAC. Does this exist?

I have a very simple system and want to upgrade my digital player which is currently my  5 year old Acer laptop.  I listen to Tidal a lot.  Sometimes I listen to high-res downloads (I only have about 20) and ripped FLAC albums (only about 100) stored on my Acer  and play them using JRiver 19.  That's about it.

My system is a Wyred 4 Sound Dac-2 plugged directly into a Wyred 4 Sound ST-500 power amp which is paired to a pair of KEF LS-50.  My Acer is my only source component.  

My question is this: is there an all-in-one digital source that can replace my computer as a server and streamer?  I don't need a DAC and I don't want several more pieces, peripherals, power supplies, etc.  I don't want to make my own.  My wife will tell you I'm not talented enough to do so.  I would agree with her.

Seriously, I just want one box that can do the same friggin thing as my computer but better.  I don't think I want a Apple computer either as I know that is a good solution for many.  

I feel ridiculous asking if there is something out there like this, but I either don't see it or my request is akin to looking for unicorns.  I'm ok with either answer.  Just hit me with the truth or some recommendations.

Thank you, Josh    


Showing 10 responses by joshelston

@mahler123.  No budget specified at this point.  Just need to know where to start looking.  

Also, I want something to store my music media and be able to stream Tidal in one box with one remote and nothing else.  Riping CDs would be a cool built in would be cool but not a requirement for me.  I have an external optical drive I can use if needed.  Pretty simple, or so I thought, until I started looking.  

Everything with digital audio seems crazy complicated to me.  I have a doctorate but can't get my head around the terminology.  If I have to work that hard to understand it and define every acronym it seems less fun to me.  Hence, the requirement of simplicity.  

@dimora.  Just being honest.  I don't understand what you said, lol.  What is QNAP NAS?  I don't know what Twonky or DLNA is.  Sorry,  I know you're just trying to be helpful.  

@djohnson54  and @bubba12.  Thank you for the input.  I'll check out aurender.  I have heard of them.  Do either of you own one?  What do you think?  

@jl35 how did you get W4S to modify your Sonos connect?  I'm a big W4S fan these days.  

Thanks again, everyone.  Josh
I read on the the Aurender N100H.  It looks EXACTLY like what I'm looking for.  Cost doesnt scare me away but it would be more than my amp and DAC combined. Finding a used one could be just the ticket...hooray for audiogon and craigslist.  Big thanks for that lead.  

@lalitk do you have an aurender?  What model?  You obviously like it.  How did you get to the aurender?  What was your previous setup?  How does your aurender compare?

I will also look into the Bryston bdp pi.  Thank you for the tip.  However, the comment about " just add your favorite outboard hard drive" deviates from my all-in-one solution I'm searching for here.  So, not exactly what I'm looking for.    

@jl35 how much was the sonos + the W4S mod all total?

Any others out there like the Aurender and the Bryston?

For the modified sonos can you store files on it or is it just used to stream?  

I don't think that not being able to play high-res files is that a big of a deal.  The promise of high-res was really cool to me but has turned out to be a great disappointment.  I use Tidal to discover new music.  When I find new music I love I then go to high-res sites to see if it's available in high-res format.  Almost without fail the album I'm looking for is not available.  It could be my music tastes are weird.  If so, that's on me.  But, I can find them in CD form still. I've been trying to this method for 2-3 years now and have been disappointed time and again.  I haven't bought a high-res album in about a year and a half.  

The notion of a good control app seems like a big selling point that several people above have mentioned.  The aurender app sounds pretty awesome.  

Any thoughts on the Bluesound control app or the Sonos app?

Really appreciate all the thoughts here.  

Coming up on 10 years in the military and thinking about a celebration gift for myself...wife approval pending...

@mrotino , @lalitk 
Just saw this on the W4S site re: the modified Sonos
" This new custom board is installed in the SONOS and directly converts the I²S into up-sampled SPDIF. This new ultra clean low jitter signal is now available through both the Coax and Optical digital outputs. The SPDIF output's sample rate can be factory configured to 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96kHz."

You had both mentioned that high-res wasn't an option with your Sonos.  Perhaps W4S has modified their modification of the Sonos to enable high-res?  I also have a W4S DAC2 with the I2S connection (not sure of the sonic value of this connection, but I at least have the hardware).  

Is this different than what you have/had?

Def looking into aurender and bluesound.  Does anyone know the country of origin for each?  I think I read Aurender was German.  Have not come across that for Bluesound.  However, Bluesound price suggests "Far East".  Can anyone confirm?
@mahler123: what other equipment are you using with your blue sound?  Would call the blue sound on the cool side of neutral? I would say My wyred 4 sound system is.  Read that the bluesound was cool while the aurender is warm.  Any thoughts?  

@wardl :  I'll look into the lumin.  Haven't heard of it before.  Thank you for the suggestion.  
@wardl : $5900?! I'll bet it is good.  And not for me.  That's more than my whole system combined.  Please enjoy it for me.  
@thiefoflight  glad to hear that you are happy with the Bluesound. what did you have before you had the Bluesound?  

@cyanii Naim makes both streamers and servers but not one combined.  Which is the criteria for my search.  

@rspyder:  Thank you for the suggestion.  I have heard of them and they are generally out of my price range but maybe I'll be able to find something used.  

@ mark_hubbard.  For me, computer audio is really all about convenience.  When portable audio become so popular music quality went down.  However, more and more good online content is now available (Tidal, as an example) and higher end audio companies are making stuff that optimizes online (think streaming, like your netflix reference) and computer based audio (think server, files stored locally on your hard drive).   To have multiple systems throughout your house, putting all your music onto a server that you can access from all your systems without having to carry the same CD from one room to another could be a fun-er way of doing things.  If carrying CDs and Vinyl around the house doesn't bother you and the sound you get from your systems cranks your cheese-wheel then no need to dive into this.  

I will say this about computer audio.  Because it is more convenient, and the quality is quite good I find that I listen to more music.  For me, that's a win.  
Nicodemix: lots of answers to your question since what you’re asking is just for a server, if I understand your question.  Price is always a variable.  
A few options I can think of off the top of my head: your computer can serve as your server.  I use JRiver software.  You can control the JRiver software from a JRiver remote on your phone.  All you’d be paying to is a JRiver fee ~$30.  This is what I do now.  It’s works just fine.  No complaints.
Another option would be something more audio dedicated.  If you don’t need cutting edge technology I would look into a Naim unitiserve.  It’s not their latest one but will meet your above stated criteria.  I have seen them for as low as $800 on Audiogon.  I think I will go this route in the near future. I have a naim preamp/dac/streamer now so I believe it will work together within the same app.  
There are others out there but all much higher in price.  Wyred 4 sound makes a server/streamer, $3k.  Aurender makes some well reviewed servers starting at $2k. Melco is another name to look into.    

Can’t  go wrong with Bluesound Vault but it’s a streamer too.  Good user interface, $1300. 

Hope this points you in the right direction.
I can’t comment on the sound quality if that’s what you’re asking.  I have heard the vault and have been pleased with the sound.  I also really like the user interface.  Can you control the WD via the Node interface? If your music is already ripped to a hard drive then you may not need the ripping/storing capabilities of the vault.  If not then you’ll need to add in the cost of the hardware and software to rip your music accurately.  You may save a few bucks.  Anytime you add extra pieces you’re looking at more variables.  This is not necessarily a bad thing just need to consider them.