audiophile music servers the latest products, info

I am very interested in a music server and would like to know more about the latest products and information. I have been doing homework and still not sure if I can get the best audiophile sound out of a server. I have Wilson Audio W/P 7s and Krell 350 Mono blocks. I would love the convenence of puting all my 1,500 CD on a hard drive, but if I have to sacrifice any sound quality I will pass for now. My question is, is there a product out there now that is up-to-speed with the best CD players? Which ones? and what options should I be looking at? Thanks for your feedback!!!!

Showing 1 response by mrtennis

wait until next year. ps audio will be introdcing the "perfect transport", at a retail price between $2000 to $2500. based upon my conversation with a technical person, it could , perhaps be competive with the memory player.