audiophile music servers the latest products, info

I am very interested in a music server and would like to know more about the latest products and information. I have been doing homework and still not sure if I can get the best audiophile sound out of a server. I have Wilson Audio W/P 7s and Krell 350 Mono blocks. I would love the convenence of puting all my 1,500 CD on a hard drive, but if I have to sacrifice any sound quality I will pass for now. My question is, is there a product out there now that is up-to-speed with the best CD players? Which ones? and what options should I be looking at? Thanks for your feedback!!!!

Showing 1 response by askat1988

I recently received my upgraded APL NWO 3.0 SE back from Alex and it has a modded Squeezebox Duet installed inside. It is not really a fair comparison at 2x the price of the MP (the one with the DAC), but I would venture to guess it could handily beat it.

I have the convenience of being able to play redbook, sacd, or dvd-a any time or to stream my music collection from a silent pc. The Duet remote is awesome, very easy to use.

IMO, one of the best DACs made with access to all my digital music in one box. Yes, Alex was MIA for awhile but he certainly came through in the end.