audiophile low pass filter

What's the best? Application is to put it between a phono preamp and an ADC.
Check the link below. I use this type in a high pass application to keep my main speakers from seeing anything below 100Hz. I don't suffer anything by using them. They came at the recommendation of the speaker manufacturer.

Good luck.
Are you sure you want a low pass? It is more common to need a high pass to block low frequency rumble.
I meant low pass as I stated. Jwmazur, speakers have absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

Off topic aside: You can do high pass for rumble in the digital domain.

After looking into this a little more closely, it appears that what I'm looking for is referred to as a "digital mastering processor." It incorporates a low pass filter with the ADC. See, for instance, the Drawmer DC2476.
Dnewhous, this thread is a waste of time unless you clearly state what you are hoping to accomplish, Unless you clearly state what you hope to accomplish with this filter then any advice given is worthless. You give a tiny tidbit of information and then scold Jwmazur for offering advice on what he can only hope to guess is your intent.

Statements like this
After looking into this a little more closely, it appears that what I'm looking for is referred to as a "digital mastering processor." It incorporates a low pass filter with the ADC. See, for instance, the Drawmer DC2476.
The piece you refer to has multiple functions so we can only guess what problem you are trying to solve.

Either come clean with the details of what your system is and what you hope to improve or stay at home.
It does amaze me the "audio engineers" that I have conversed with seam utterly ignorant of the following truth

frequency recorded = (frequency input) mod (sampling rate/2)
and what does this have to do with the original post about low pass filters???