Audiophile license plates

In the 1980's California allowed auto owners to purchase personalized license plates. I think I'm about ready for one now.

Do any of you have an audiophile themed plate on your auto?

I was thinking of using HIFIMAN , TURNTBL, TUBEPRE, PREAMP, REEL2RL, MONOBLC or something of the sort.

Please post your suggestions for my new plate. You are allowed only 7 spaces on the plate for your name...including any blank spaces.


Showing 2 responses by bignerd100

The only vanity plate I have ever found remotely entertaining was the following:

Volvo wagon
"Baby on Board" plaque on suction cup
local gated community sticker
regional "outdoor" outfitter store for yuppies that "hike" (to the mall) sticker

Plate simply read "CLICHE"

Best vanity plate ever!
It wouldn't be a white VW Rabbit would it?

Thats funny.

For a fundraiser in high school we demolised a VW Rabbit with baseball bats and sledgehammers. What was the coach or anyone else involved thinking?