Audiophile frame of mind

It amazes me how I can justify my audio purchases and don't think much about them with something costing several thousand dollars.  I know this goes with any hobby but I had a funny thought over the weekend.  The last OEM part of my system that I have been considering an upgrade is power cables.  I only have a couple random low end audioquest cables that I got as part of purchases several years ago.  Shunyata recently launched two new lines, Gamma and Theta.  I was thinking about the Gamma and to start with my monoblocks for the first 2 cables of a system that needs 6 total.  It would cost about $1300 for those 2.  That is the same cost of a nice Weber stainless steel grill with a side burner.  I couldn't go forward with getting an official quote on the cables.  Looks like I will be grilling in style this summer!


Showing 3 responses by grislybutter

I am appalled and disgusted that you are thinking of a Weber stainless steel grill with a side burner! Have you not heard the Kalamazoo?

Can you not hear the superior SQ of other brands? The Weber has so much noise and distortion in the low end, especially with poultry, you will surely regret this.

@dhite71 I buy the dingiest Home Depot grill, for $19, $29, last time I think it was $39. It has 4 legs and a cover which seems like a fancy feature to me. I use wood from trees around the yard/dead branches and I have no imagination to figure out what those shiny $1000 objects would do differently. My cheap grills do rust and disintegrate in 5 years and then I have to buy another one. So... by no means I implied that you HAD to get a Kalamazoo. I only joked (attempted).

I would love to explore good cartridges though. That’s a different subject. Grill expert probably disagree.

@audioquest4life all my grills had rust and I had to part with them when the bottom fell out, literally.

And cleaning is a breeze, I wouldn't want to deal with gas burners and the grease.