Audiophile Classical cds?

Looking to broaden my classical collection. I don't really know much other than I have tended to enjoy what gets termed 'warhorses' (Beethoven and Mahler's 9th, holst - the planets) and also the more serious chamber pieces.

Need some recommendations to get things rolling. Top notch sound is a must have as I have found that it really keeps me engaged. I'd like to get a set of 15 or so must have classical audiophile cds. Any Ideas?

Cheers, Nik

Showing 2 responses by brownsfan

Brahms String Sextet op 18 in B flat major, by the Leipziger Quartet (+ an additional violist and cellist) on Dabringhaus und Grimm (MDG). This is truly wonderful music and is a gorgeous recording. As an aside, I have found the MDG label produces recordings easily on a par with the highly regarded ECM label.

The Kempe R. Strauss recordings on Brilliant are wonderful conductions. Recording quality is good for the time. The Jochum Bruckner and the Barshai Shostakovich, both also on Brilliant, are also really great. All three of these sets are among my favorites. As a bonus, the Barshai Shostokovich recording quality is quite good. Generally, I'd take the Archiv 10's for sound quality with a grain of salt. The reviewers may not have the golder ears typical of this group.