Audiophile Addiction

I met a man on Audiogon who had a fairly high-end system and he was selling the whole thing off. I asked him why, which is the purpose of this posting, is that he was constantly trying to find the perfect sound from his audio system and came to the conclusion it does not exist. Additionally, he said most often all of his hours of listening were alone, taking many hours of quality time from his family. In addition, he said he was listening to his equipment vs. the music. He is now very happy listening to background music with his family from his AV system. I don't know, I just wanted to share this story as I myself fall into this trap (made me think).

Showing 1 response by mrtennis

i thinnk there is a strong relationship between this thread and the one titled "music vs components".

as for enjoying the music with regard to how it affects you, a table radio is sufficient.

i think you can hear the music in tour head without any equipment and still enjoy the feeling that you are creating an image in your brain of music that you enjoy for its own sake, regardless of how it may sound on a well assembled stereo system.

i believe in the dichotomy between music and sound. a good stereo system can recreate the timbre of an instrument, while a mediocre one may still enable one to enjoy the music.

i can recognize, what i consider "good" music listening to a stereo system that has an imbalanced frequency response, while acknowledging that sonically the stereo system may be deficient in certain respects and my enjoyment of the sound might be impacted.