Audiophile Addiction

I met a man on Audiogon who had a fairly high-end system and he was selling the whole thing off. I asked him why, which is the purpose of this posting, is that he was constantly trying to find the perfect sound from his audio system and came to the conclusion it does not exist. Additionally, he said most often all of his hours of listening were alone, taking many hours of quality time from his family. In addition, he said he was listening to his equipment vs. the music. He is now very happy listening to background music with his family from his AV system. I don't know, I just wanted to share this story as I myself fall into this trap (made me think).

Showing 3 responses by audioquest4life

Everytime you have this urge to buy new tweaks, accessories or equipment, just give that amount of money to your wife, children or donate to charity! :)

My wife makes her own money, so I spend on myself, so my money equates to my own satisfaction. Like most here, I by lots of music, all records, but once in a while I will do a minor upgrade or tweak, and over a longer period of time, a big upgrade, but rarely. Addiction, well to family first, music second, when the wife is out of the house I am in the music room listening to my recent thrift store or e-bay finds.


Hello there. I often get asked this. Too bad you have wrongly associated my moniker to equate to a relationship to Audioquest cables; in which case I do happen to like some. I can see where it could appear to seem that way, like a tattoo.

The main purpose of my moniker relates to the purpose of the many who deem this a hooby and a journey to achieve musical bliss, no matter how or to what means.
Audioquest4life equates to a lifelong search for that quest of musical satisfaction, hence my moniker name equating to a lifeling search for musical enjoyment. Something I will never stop doing. So I am on an audioquest for life, just like the knights of the round table, looking for the chalace, something that might never be found.


You only live once.

"I sincerely wish you and I the best of luck." Same here. I have actually tried a new phono cable from Silver Breeze that I will be writing a review about in a few days. A great phono cable to say the least.