audiopax Model 5

I would like to know what your experience have been in dealing with Audiopax?
Particularly interested in any experience concerning their preamp, the Model 5

Showing 3 responses by vicks7

I am a huge fan of Audiopax and own the new version of the Model 88 Amplifier, which IMHO, is a fantastic, ground-breaking tube amplifier.

My dealings with the company have always been very positive and following an internal reorganisation, their customer service has been excellent.

I auditioned the Model 5 at the time I was auditioning the Model 88 and rated it highly. The amp has no colorations, no frequency response aberrations and I would probably have purchased it if I had not gone the CD direct to amp route.

I am surprised that you find the Audiopax coloured - most people who have listened to or who own this amp tend to praise it for its transparency.