Audiolab, Rowland integrated - nothing in between?

Of course there is something in-between. Question is if it's worth it. I am thinking about uprading my Audiolab 8000LX integrated but even used Rowland or perhaps Gryphon are beyond the reach at the moment. How much would I really gain if I got, say, Naim or Plinius or whatever?
My Michael Green Design free resonance speakers need really good control or they become loose. Audiolab does OK but it's not good enough. And I want more resolution, better imaging, soundstage etc. Cables are Purist Audio Colossus.
So. what do you think?
What kind of mucis are listening?
Have you considered tubes?
Or how about used Mc separates? For about $1500 - $2000 you can get a nice combination of used pre and power amp.
Zoya, I listen mostly to jazz/rock fusion and what can be very generally called world music including tribal/ambient. I appreciate dynamics,low distortion, clarity and power of the sound but also certain sophistication of it.If I could I would get LAMM or Rowland separates. $2000 used doesn't buy much; besides I would need a really good interconnect and another power cord which would be at least $500-$750 more. So Rowland or Gryphon integrated seem like a logical upgrade. And after that, yes, separates.
YBA Integre DT - great preamp section - far more detailed than the Audiolab (I've owned both)
The best SS integrated that I have used is the Bryston B-60SST. You should be able to find one used at your budget. Great sound, bullet proof build quality, excellent customer service and warranty!
Thanks, Mik971. Unfortunately, best you've used is not of much help without knowing what else you've used.