Audiolab 8000A and 8000S

I currently own an Audiolab 8000S used as an integrated amp. I have just acquired a secondhand Audiolab 8000A . I would like to set these up in a pre/power configuration , but not sure which amp to use for which purpose. Can the 8000A be set up as a power amp?
The 8000S has a number of modes but Im not sure if any make it usable as a power amp .
I am a little out of my depth here so any assistance would be much appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by john5e8b

I have an 8000A which expired long ago. I took it to a repair shop but they (eventually) said McLaren would not supply any spares for that model. So it's sat in my loft for 10ish years. I was just about to take it to the tip when I decided on one last Google search and came across this site. It seems spares are available, so can anyone help me by providing the name of a decent repair shop in the SE of England? many thanks in advance.
Thanks for the info that Audiolab have been taken over. I rang my local Audiolab stockist and they said that spares are available and they are able to repair the amp! So in 3 weeks I should have a working Audiolab:)
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