Audiogoners Anonymous?

The first step is knowing that you have a problem.

And mine is that I am so interested in this site, that I could forget about everything else I need to do personally and professionally when that Audiogon home page tempts and teases me nearly every waking hour from my Favourites folder.

Knowing this habit and my skillful ability to jump in and out and around this site, checking up to the minute posts and prices, my girlfriend often peers over my shoulder while I am "just checking my emails" or "just finishing a bit of work" before going to sleep -- only to bust me and ask if I am back on Audiogon again.

Has anyone else had this problem? Or does anyone have some technical solutions?

I am beginning to wonder if my day might be more productive if my desk had two or three computers and only one with web access? Do any of you work on a separate computer?

Prehaps then I might focusing more on the riveting details of my contact database, spreadsheets, and word documents instead of hearing the latest opionions on AC outlets.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by twl

I've got it bad. I need a 12 step program, but I am in denial. I just bought another DL103R cartridge, as a spare. And the one I already have only has 100 hours on it. I press the refresh button every few minutes to see if another new forum post appears. I answer obvious "trolling" posts. I read the classifieds several times a day, even though I don't plan to buy anything. During my spare time, I look through all the virtual systems, to see what everybody else has. I do have some contact with the outside world(I email other Audiogon members and have e-conversations). Luckily, I am semi-retired, and don't have to do much work to live. But now I want to get more money to support my audio habit. I sometimes have nightmares that my computer broke, and I have to spend my audio money to replace the computer, so I can read about more audio stuff. Could my computer benefit from a hospital grade outlet and a high-end power cord? Sometimes I go grocery shopping and stop off at the pawn shops looking for used records and spend my grocery money, and come home with records. I keep some canned beans on hand for such emergencies. My Rottweiler views such behavior with much disdain. Some people reading this will think I am exaggerating.