I've been listening to some of my favorite recordings this weekend and was wondering what others on Audiogon felt were there favorites. We have all seen the Stereophile "Records to Die For", The Absolute Sounds recommended list, Music Directs' list, The Golden Ear, etc. now I'm hoping to assemble the Audiogon "Recordings To Die For". Please list your five favorite recordings, the ones you listen to over and over or play for friends. I would assume the sonic quality is excellent in that this is an audiophile site. The performance and enjoy ability should also be excellent. Please leave your top five, even if they are already chosen so we can discover the very top for the Audiogon listeners. ALSO PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CRITICIZING OTHERS OPINIONS AND JUST LEAVE YOUR FAVORITES!

August 2002: I have compiled a summary and a full printer-friendly list of all of the recommendations below.
click here to view summary

Showing 1 response by zstokes

Here are some in no particular order

"The Heart Of Saturday Night" Tom Waits (All Time favorite record)

"Nothing Like The Sun" Sting
"The Lilywhite Sessions" Dave Matthews Band
"Do You Want More?!?!" The Roots
"Eternity & Main" Jack Williams
"Come Away With Me" Norah Jones (new, but this instantly became a fav of mine)
"The Fever Diaries" David Barrett
"Tales From An Acoustic Planet" Bela Fleck

I would have to add one more recording I made of Myself and my Father, singing and playing around a campfire at his house about 3 hears's not the best quality, but I enjoy it.


I could probably add 50 more albums to this list, and I if I were limited to only these I would jump off a bridge, but these are probably pretty close to my favs.