I've been listening to some of my favorite recordings this weekend and was wondering what others on Audiogon felt were there favorites. We have all seen the Stereophile "Records to Die For", The Absolute Sounds recommended list, Music Directs' list, The Golden Ear, etc. now I'm hoping to assemble the Audiogon "Recordings To Die For". Please list your five favorite recordings, the ones you listen to over and over or play for friends. I would assume the sonic quality is excellent in that this is an audiophile site. The performance and enjoy ability should also be excellent. Please leave your top five, even if they are already chosen so we can discover the very top for the Audiogon listeners. ALSO PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CRITICIZING OTHERS OPINIONS AND JUST LEAVE YOUR FAVORITES!

August 2002: I have compiled a summary and a full printer-friendly list of all of the recommendations below.
click here to view summary

Showing 1 response by richardd949

#1 - Ry Cooder's "Bop 'Til You Drop" - as I understand it, this was the world's first pop CD - simply amazing, I will *never* get tired of this one. Buy it NOW!

#2 - Danny Gatton "Cruisin' Deuces" - Danny may be gone, but he'll never be forgotten - the finest guitar player this world has ever seen or heard. This rendition of "You Won't Matter Anymore" is spectacular!

#3 - Bruce Hornsby and The Other Ones - Unbelievably good live recording - "St. Stephen" just blows you away right from the opening chords.

#4 - Camel "A Live Record" - speaking of great live records, this is the first one I've ever heard that sounded better than the studio mixes. The entire Snow Goose Suite on disc 2 is marvelous. The crowd knows how to keep their mouths shut, too, thank God.

#5 - Joni Mitchell's "Court and Spark" - there are SO many good tunes on this release that I don't know where to begin - but I'll have to vote for "Big Yellow Taxi" as the best of the lot. "Raised on Robbery" rocks the house, too.