AudiogoN Inception Date?

Panning through old threads, I noticed a few members as early as late 98/early 99.

Emailed service a while back no answer, figured if anyone should know, they would.

When did all this start and who was the first poster(s)?

Showing 1 response by tubegroover

Jmmcgrogan, you're just being too paranoid, what's wrong with you! Getting our credit cards on file is somehow a "benefit" for users or has that facade finally faded? I certainly would hate to see agon getting shortchanged on their cut, I get that, but you ain't getting my CC info on your file.

You guys better figure something else out. There is no way, no how going forward I am going to risk my credit/personal information to online vendors for their/my convenience ESPECIALLY in light of the recent breaches with some of the major league players. There is no sanctuary anywhere in the cyberworld we live in today. You better figure out a better way, that model is dead and you're too late to the game to start playing. I'm already concerned about my Amazon account and have considered changing CC's to avoid any potential problems in the future.