Audiogon Anti-Lowball Offer setting

Hey everyone,

I don’t know if you all saw this but I got an e-mail from A’gon stating they have a new feature in place to hinder insane lowball offers.

After you log in go to your Account and select Edit Account. Then scroll down in the Policies section there is a check box to automatically reject lowball offers.


Lowball offers

Automatically reject offers below 55% of your asking price,

I wish this could be user specific. I would have set this to 45% off of listing price for my tastes but it is a start for Audiogon.


Showing 1 response by minorl

I've found that there are many "flippers" out there that want something for as low as they can get so they can flip it.   There is an audio blue book out there, which I have actually seen at some of my favorite dealers.  There is an average sale price for most used items.  Most reasonable people know this and know what something is typically correctly priced at.

Therefore, they know what they should or shouldn't offer for an item.  The ones that are "flippers" or worst, people that want something for nothing, will offer extremely low prices, hoping someone is desperate.

I don't get it, but some are like that.  I know what a fair price is for an item I am interested in or that I am selling.  Fortunately, I am not desperate and I won't give something away (unless it is to a person I like). 

My advertisements (when I sell) say clearly that Lowballers will be politely ignored.  I typically price an item to sell, so it is already at the low end of the blue book price.  This means that I don't have much room for negotiations.  But I get lowballers anyway.  I guess to them it can't hurt to ask, but to me, it is stupid and insulting.
