Audiogon Anti-Lowball Offer setting

Hey everyone,

I don’t know if you all saw this but I got an e-mail from A’gon stating they have a new feature in place to hinder insane lowball offers.

After you log in go to your Account and select Edit Account. Then scroll down in the Policies section there is a check box to automatically reject lowball offers.


Lowball offers

Automatically reject offers below 55% of your asking price,

I wish this could be user specific. I would have set this to 45% off of listing price for my tastes but it is a start for Audiogon.


Showing 7 responses by jedinite24

To me this lowball offer setting is like eBay’s auto decline offer setting but the only difference is the user can set the tolerance while here it is fixed. Definitely there is room to bargain in any sale but IMO the lowballing has just gotten out of control across all selling sites. I’ve listed all sorts of items on various selling sites. Before listing and setting my starting price I look at comparable completed sales, take the average of those sales and list at that price. To me that is a fair market value price. Then as soon as I list I get 50% to 70% off of that price constantly. I wish I was like TonyKay and others that can just let BS not bother them but after awhile of constant BS I start getting very angry. It gets frustrating when you research to set a fair price and repeatedly get slapped in the face with lowball offers. It is such a waste of time. I’m beginning to laugh at the stupidity of the offers but there are times my patience just wears thin.

To me this lowball offer setting will make the A’gon user experience a lot better and deter the idiot bottom feeders. At least that is what I hope will happen.
Hi Rodman9999

You got me. I feel real dumb. My math was way off on that 45% part of my comment. From looking at some historical sales I actually follow maplegrovemusic's formula. I'll accept 20% off of list. Sometimes 30% off of my list price depending on the situation and buyer. I'd love to have that setting that if any offer is below 35% off my listing price the offer would get auto declined. That and the buyer should only have a limited amount of offers to send to a seller. Ebay sets the limit to 3. Maybe a'gon should set it to 5?
Well after close to a year since this thread has started I have found what the vultures are doing now to get around the setting is just messaging you their lowball offers. They don't even greet you or say anything. They just blurt out their offer. Oh well this is the times we live in.
Hi Samzx12. I used to think the lowballing was due to a certain nationality as well but in my experience lowballing happens with nearly all of them. Brown, white, black or yellow people will lowball you. I'll never forget there was one preppy white guy whose member picture was a portrait of his family. The guy looked like had money. On a pair of $800 speakers I had for sale he offered me $250 shipped.
Valid points  maplegrovemusic and  jmcgrogan2. I think there are people out there who get off on the rejection and there are sellers out there who have created these lowballers. It ruins it for the sellers who list fairly. Oh well. I'm learning to just deal with it and when I see an offer on Audiogon I expect the worst rather than hope for a sale.
Hi Lalitk,

I'm going to message you on how to block a lowballer from bidding on your stuff. I haven't found that option yet on Audiogon. And here I thought the lowball offer I got was bad. $500 on a pair of $1799 speakers. Whew. That is some crap. I really think people that make these offers really take advantage of them not being face to face in person. I remember I said to one lowballer. Would you make that offer to a small business if you were face to face in front of them? They never replied again.
Morning yogiboy

I hear you and I'm glad  you have had good luck with just putting Buy It Now. When I've listed an item as Buy It Now even with a price based on the average of what an item sold for I didn't get any hits. When I added the make an offer option more inquiries came in. Seems like with the budget gear I've sold people don't want to pay fair market value. They wants deals. I'm adjusting to this better now.