AudioControl amp/pre amp

I’m not in the technical category of most of the folks on Audiogon forums. I enjoy the discussions but sometimes get lost in the details. 
My question. I have AudioControl amp and preamp, Class H. I purchased Monitor Audio Gold 400 speakers but don’t think I’m getting the most out of them. Seem too bright and not in the class of the Sunfire Grand Theatre components that I previously used.  Stream Tidal and listen to vinyl with a Rega turntable. I would love to hear comments regarding the AudioControl gear and what might be good replacements if that is the recommendation. Primarily listen to Classic Rock and single artists across rock, country, and current popular music. Thanks for any comments. 
Thank you for your response. Your comments describe what I feel is missing from my current system. One of the positive comments one hears about the Monitor Audio speakers is their musicality. The Class H amp just doesn’t seem to be bringing out their best. 
I don't know class H well at all and have never listened to it.  That said, I understand that it works similar to a class D.  The class H keeps it in analog, where the D is digital, I believe?.  That said, I have listened to class D and use in one of my every day systems.  Love that it is a small unit that doesn't generate heat.  However, it is lacking in warmth, musicality and can come across bright.  I would be tempted to try your speakers with a different type of amplifier.  Class A or class AB.  I have other speakers that I hooked up to a class D that I have hooked to class A and class AB and found a huge difference.  The class D, while it provided every frequency and hit all the same notes, sounded void of music.  Just my opinion.  Don't know where you live or how you purchased but you might see if you can listen to your speakers with a different type of amp and see if that is the problem.  I did find a review where someone listened to the Monitor Audio Gold 200 using a Bryston B135 SST and reviewed very favorably.  Good luck.