Audio Tekne top end gear?

Has anyone ever listened to Audio Tekne's top-end gear? Their MC equalizers? preamps? amps? What did you think?

I just saw an older pre with phono section for sale (on auction) yesterday. I did not buy it but was sorely tempted as I know of Imai-san's reputation for excellent transformer-coupled circuits and attention to low-level signal purity. I probably should have bought it anyway but I thought I should get rid of some other stuff first.

Showing 1 response by sorlowski

Recently I heard Audio Tekne on Warsow 2013 Audio Show.
It was first time I have ever seen it, and I was attending several shows in the past 15 years.
In summary: The most liquid, transparent, velvet harmonically rich sound of tht particular show.
I did not like thatarly Luftwaffe look, though.
Fortunately they hire some beautiful hostesses to look at :)
They are transformer coupling obsessed, as source 15 years old Marantz CD was used CD-16, of course transformer coupled (19.000Euro) to pre amp.
I could never believed that that old CDP could sound like that. Later they changed to TT (not Audio Tekne TT), it was first time I have ever heard that switching to TT degraded the sound. I figured it out that TT was not transforer coupled to pre hence degradation. I wish I could afford that ugly gear. Total for speakers with external crossover, preamp, monoblocks, coupling CD transformer was ~200.000 Euro.
But it sounded like that, it was really special.