Audio stores going out of business?

So who has noticed more audio stores going out of business? Basically The Home Theater Store and Tweeter are taking over as mainstream audio stores. I'm finding it hard to even audition some of the brands that used to be readily available. Just an observation.

Showing 2 responses by brutusdial

It's a tough buisness.
I own a small used audio store here in Minneapois,and in a span of about 1 year I have seen 3 hi-end dealers close their doors.I suspect the two remaining ones are struggling
as well. The used market is not much better thanks largely to E-Bay and the likes. I can't tell you how many times a cutomer has mentioned a used piece that they have,and when I ask what their plans are for it they say "oh,I think I'll throw it on e-bay cause I'll get more that I can selling it locally".
Folks,If you have a dealer or even a used or consignement shop locally that your on good terms with,Please support him! The brick and mortar guys have expenses like rent,utilities,insurance,after sale repairs[unavoidable]
sales tax, and a host of others that most folks don't realize just to keep the doors open.
Sorry about the rant,But this buisness is not all a bed of roses and the customer needs to realize that the stores don't run on kool-aide.
hey tireguy
If your local hi-fi shop jacks the prices up over retail and offers no service, they don't deserve your buisness!
as you know from your buisness,in this competitive climate service is everything.
The problem with selling on the net [for a retailer] is that typically it's a one time sale.No buyer/seller relationship is established. The only "service" I can provide is price.Overall, it's not a good deal for either party in the long term
I've been involved with this stuff for a really long time, and sometimes a customer can benefit from a suggestion or two after assesing their wants/needs.I probably wouldnt get the chance for that on the net,increasing the chances of the customer being dissatisfied with their purchase.
Im not bitching about buisness being bad because of e-buisnesses,Im bitching mainly about the E-Bay mentality.
I've been there,find the whole thing revolting and tasteless, and I will never use it as a buyer or a seller.