Audio shops to visit in/near Ft Lauderdale

I am in southern florida visiting my parent. Can anyone recommend places to visit to shop for speakers...

Something other than Aerial, B&W, Dynaudio.
Audio Center in Deerfield Beach,FL.
Let Howard know that Nelson from Homestead sent you over.
Hey, is Luskin's still around in Miami? I'm going back almost 30 years! Just curious.
Hi Fatparrot,
If my memory serves me well was the store located a few blocks west of the OMNI mall which had Jordan Marsh and Treasure Island? If so, that store closed sometime during the mid to late 80s.
The visit today to Audio Center in Deerfield Beach was a bust!!

I visited today and they basically sent me away. Said they typically operate on an appointment basis only and no one was there to show me anything. Not like no one was there, just no one who wanted to help.

I figured Tuesday afternoon, not to busy would be a good time to go. I told them it was their loss.
Hi Fpv,
I am sorry to hear about your experience at Audio Center.
It's been awhile since i've visited about two years or so.
I used to just walk-in to the store.
Howard and/or his wife would always help me out no problem.
I guess they've changed their store policy as far as visits are concerned.Who did you speak with? Whoever it was, It really stinks that they were not at least somewhat helpful and at least tell you what product lines they carried and then try to schedule you in later on that same day.
I totally agree that it's their loss for not having any business tact whatsoever.