Audio Science Review = "The better the measurement, the better the sound" philosophy

"Audiophiles are Snobs"  Youtube features an idiot!  He states, with no equivocation,  that $5,000 and $10,000 speakers sound equally good and a $500 and $5,000 integrated amp sound equally good.  He is either deaf or a liar or both! 

There is a site filled with posters like him called Audio Science Review.  If a reasonable person posts, they immediately tear him down, using selected words and/or sentences from the reasonable poster as100% proof that the audiophile is dumb and stupid with his money. They also occasionally state that the high end audio equipment/cable/tweak sellers are criminals who commit fraud on the public.  They often state that if something scientifically measures better, then it sounds better.   They give no credence to unmeasurable sound factors like PRAT and Ambiance.   Some of the posters music choices range from rap to hip hop and anything pop oriented created in the past from 1995.  

Have any of audiogon (or any other reasonable audio forum site) posters encountered this horrible group of miscreants?  


Showing 25 responses by thyname

I certainly agree with Amir when it comes to power cords.  When he does a "subtraction" test, which basically shows that the signals are virtually identical (fancy power cord vs cheap power cord), to me the argument is over.  If you take the signal from one cord and subtract it from the signal using the other cord, and nothing is left (absolute value), then the signals are the same, and if you hear any difference you are imagining it.

What signal?

Below is a great review, both objectively (measurements) and subjective (listening). Plus a very detailed description of all the technical aspects. To me, this is how all reviewers should be in the perfect world. A little outdated in terms of current pricing of the speakers.


And before you slam me about posting Audioholics stuff, note this NOT a “review “ from that clown Gene 😂

Perfection is the enemy of good

Hmmmmm…. I am not sure this is how the society and humanity works, and has worked over the millennia to get us where we are today 

I also preferred the Focal Trio11 be to the Dutch and Dutch. They don't measure as well 

Shocker!!! Must have been the wrong measurements wand 😂🤦‍♂️🙄

@rolox +1


@kokakolia : I think I understand what you were trying to convey, get your “drift “, but I am not really sure:

ASR is a big deal.

ASR has the advantage of using sciency graphs and very little words. This is what people want.


Some stuff I used to read over the years at ASR is mind boggling. Say on a DAC, comparing (read: measuring) a $12,500 DAC vs. a $300 DAC. They measure pretty much the same, good. Any difference in measurements is simply way beyond human hearing (many of the measurements say the same thing, beyond human hearing threshold). So both are in the list with the same score and “points”. However, who in the right mind would buy the expensive DAC on that list, when the same quality DAC (read: measured quality) can be purchased at a fraction of that price? They proceed to say, yes, some people like to buy “bling”, and they can be totally excused for that, as long as they do NOT “make claims” on the sound quality, which obviously based on the impeccable measurements, is just the same. 🤦‍♂️


@djones51 :

…. and the biggest factor that determines what you hear is your  speakers/room .

Agree on that. I would love to learn what you accomplished on that front. Please post a picture of your system here. I assume you have excellent speakers placed on a highly optimized purpose built dedicated heavily treated room? I think you have Dutch & Dutch active speakers, correct?



So I am curious, how did you buy your speakers without any measurements available? I am assuming not by listening as that is worthless to you, does not matter. Or you had measurements, but they were / are secret? Basically, I am curious how you arrived on a purchase decision on the main element of the audio system, speakers. 

Or maybe they a wing of the North Korean government.They certainly act like it.

😂. I thought about North Korea too, but I wouldn’t go that far. China more reasonably 😂


I would however respect their right to selectively choose what posts to allow in their site. It’s a private site. Not a public or governmental forum. They are allowed to censor. The problem lies elsewhere, as I laid it out above 


However, that's a good question. 

Whether we like it or not, it's impossible to hear everything that's out there, and so we have to turn to third party opinions.

But exactly whose should we trust?

You are right about that. I fully understand you. This is why ASR wins. Right or wrong, it does no matter. It’s a fact. And they realized that, and they win. They make it a business. Lots of crap in the Internet, and people don’t know what you believe. The key is to get as much exposure as possible: own experience, audio shows, dealers, shops, friends, and internet people you know align with your tastes. If these are not possible for some reason, yes, your turn to …., whatever 


This is my last post on this thread. I learned a few days ago from my friend, screenshots of every single post of mine in this thread were sent to ASR. Along with a printout of my LinkedIn page, real persona, photo, current employment, work history, the whole nine yards of my private info. And I know who sent it. It did not surprise me. So be careful out there, so many deranged people out there this can get personal, real life struggle, not just a hobby discussion, or heated argument

Anyone, are there examples where a cable maker, amp maker, etc.. has posted on the internet or anywhere else, all of the testing that was involved while designing their equipment?

Yes. Plenty of them, obviously not all. I am starting to think your web browser only “points” you to a certain website. For some reason. Or your Google machine is broken / defective 😂. Which is pretty normal. Most people only read stuff that aligns with what they believe in, and ignore reading everything else.

Specifications and reviews from What HIFI, Stereophile, etc.. are given but the reviews are primarily done by listening.

Hmmmmm…. Every single Stereophile review has a very detailed section on measurements only. From J. Atkinson. Again, see above, the point I previously made

You might believe that but you are most likely being manipulated.

Not sure how this statement fits with what I said. Relevance? I was talking about one of the behavioral/ cognitive tendencies we humans have, confirmation bias:

If you are immune to that, or any cognitive dissonance, then…. what can I say, kudos to you.

As for being manipulated by the internet, social media, and the big tech, well, again, kudos to you for being immune to that.

It might be of benefit to A’gon members if you really know who it is to report it to Admin to get that person a permanent ban and to the members here so they can shun and avoid them.

He is banned from here. About 16 times total 😂. I knew he knew my real name 12 usernames ago, he called me out then. When he was “AtDavid”.

Name he used in communications to ASR, and Facebook groups (he is in all FB audio groups) is Cin Dyment. Which I suspect it is also…. you guessed it: fake.

Below is a list of the usernames he had used here (that I know of, possibly more). Funny one of them is “cindyment” 😂. Or maybe not so funny 


































Anyway it looks like we have an escapee from the asylum who joined here to attempt to refute the irrefutable.

Yup. Typical ASR militia contingent. Involuntary celibate angry young dudes in their thirties, still living in their mom’s basement 


If you are not enjoying your time on ASR, that is for one reason, and one reason only. Your arrogance.

How much do you enjoy your time on ASR? Please describe your pleasure and satisfaction. Be it physical or mental.


Whatever that is that you are having, I want to have some 😉

@fleschler : please give this whole thing up. This entire thing is not worth your time, and mental well-being. Engaging with the ASR militia is not only unproductive, but also outright dangerous. Trust me

@nonoise : +1. Fantastic article. Things we all know, but unable to articulate so decisively and eloquently, albeit still in down to earth, common folks speak

Stay focused. This is but a small part of the audio world declining in influence.

Stay focused on what? What is is the ultimate goal?

Frankly, I am embarrassed to be part of this community more often than not.

And yet, here you are. With a "secondary" handle you took your time to establish and post under. New email and all.


Yes really. These folks believe that we only hear what we want to hear. Hearing does not matter. The truth lies in the measurements. That's the ideology and belief system. I learned this a while ago.


@djones51 : nothing to do with religion or atheism. I could have framed it as "the underlying thesis" rather than "ideology and belief system" to make it atheist.

Do you agree with that statement?


Hearing does not matter, as we only hear what we want to hear


Yes or no?

In fact here is the exact wording of the guy who actually invented this whole movement: "What I hear is pointless, just as what you hear is pointless. We hear what we think we hear, what we want to hear, what we need to hear"

Cin Dyment: you are a sick, sad human being. Disgusting. Back here again dude?! Wow!

Human equivalent of malware. Here is the full list (maybe I am missing a few):



































Almost 20 years ago,  users here would have had good debates about the results ASR presented if it was around at that time.

How would you know ? Audiogon join date: October 1, 2022. Which is tomorrow. How old are you?

$150,000 of state of the art test equipment

$150,000 equipment testing $50 China DACs? Hmmmmm….. stupid