Audio Research transistor gear vs. tubes

I would like to hear any and all input/experience that people have or have had with Audio Research transistor components...esp. recent models...100.2, LS-12, LS-9...etc. I have had the chance to own some..and to listen to others.. ...and they seem to be forgotten..or undiscovered....and better than that fate.

Showing 1 response by sedond

i had a chance to hear my brother-in-law's set-up since he replaced his amp & pre w/a-r ls-16, & 100.2. these drive his proac 2.5's, which is what the usa distributor of proac recommended he use. well, the sound is outstanding w/the tube preamp & solid-state amp. can't say what it would sound like w/something like the vt100mk2... he also has a resolution-audio cd-50, which he bought after auditioning it & the cd-55. while i dint hear it run straight into the amp, he sez he tried it, and it's not nearly as musical as when run thru the preamp. doug