Audio Research Source - CD3 mkII, CD5

I noticed on the website the CD3 mkII as "discontinued" in 2008, but nothing about this is shown on the ARC website. The website also shows a new CD5 as starting production in 2008, but again nothing on the ARC website - though the ARC website is hardly an up-to-date source for information.

If the CD3 mkII is to be dropped, that would indeed leave a hole in the "notch-below-reference-class" offering for a digital source.

Has anyone heard any rumors regarding ARC source components?
I've heard that production of the CD5 begins this month. I don't have any further info though. Could be interesting!
If true, my guess is ARC will contine to offer a product in the "notch-below-reference-class" as well as the CD7. IMHO, the CD3mkii is so good, its hard to imagine what they can do at that price point to improve it.
I spoke to Chris at ARC yesterday about getting a CD3 here and sending it in for the MkII upgrade and he said basically the CD3 MkII was discontinued and that even though there was no mention of it on their website, the CD5 was in production. Obviously the CD5 will be an improved (and more expensive) version of the CD3 MkII.
