Audio Research Sold

The McIntosh Group has just sold Audio Research to the TWS Enterprise LLC.  It will be interesting what direction ARC will go in under it's new ownership.

Showing 1 response by djcxxx

It’s all about capitalization to maintain quality and service. I just took delivery of a Ref Phono 3SE and line 1 had an inoperative R channel despite the customary QC card stating full working order. The build quality on the new series is good but not exemplary. My 160S meters failed and to their credit ARC replaced the entire amp (now 160B) which has new meters from a new supplier (I was told). I have been a steady ARC customer since 1979, and I wish them well, but the sale/takeover/management change suggests loss of capital which in the current economic climate does not bode well. My most recent ARC experience is not fully reassuring either.