Audio Research - should I replace the valves?

I have a AR Ref 110 power amp and AR Ref 3 preamp. Both have done about 3,800 hours. They both work but I wonder if should be replacing the valves.

How can you tell if they’ve had it? Does the sound quality deteriorate & what happens if you don’t replace them?

i don’t think they sounds as good as they did but no pops or whistles or any other strange noises etc - just a bit flat sounding. But perhaps this is just my ears?




Showing 1 response by woofhaven1992

Probably a bit of a production from the UK, but when it is tube replacement time on my ARC amp, I ship it to them. They will give the whole thing a once over, test the tubes, and replace as necessary.  They are great to work with and don't keep it too long. And they set the bias. I realize it isn't a difficult thing to do at home, but I don't want to poke around 480V circuits unless absolutely necessary. 


Of course this means no fancy after-market tubes but just what ARC installs.