Audio Research Refernce 75se


i just heard Ref75 she that I would like to buy.

It has some quite buzz noise when u stand really close to the amp, and if u put the ear close to it you can hear it.

the seller said it is normal.. any experience with it?


Showing 10 responses by mike30

System was really high end all around . @ghasley 

you can hear the noise clearly coming out of the amp

its small buzz/hum , even can say sound a bit metallic .

The noise isn’t transferring to the speakers from what I heard.

cant hear it from where I sit. But 1-1.5 meter away I can.

Good news i would be taking it to a mechanic to check it out.


imlooking towards the ARC ls27 atm . what do u think for this combo? @ghasley 


well if the deal won’t be happenning.

im probably getting the Ayre VX-5 Twenty with Preamp KX-5 Twenty.


 BTW I didn't went any where over Head with the set I heard today .. Ididnt felt any wow

speakers were Sonus Faber Amati

Just the clarify .. the noises are coming through the amp, not from the speakers.

I’m going to try my Vandersteen with 

those 3 amps, not sure about the pre amp that will be used in the test yet.

1 ARC Ref75 SE (after passing mechanically check)

2 Ayre VX-5 twenty

3 Aesthetix Mimas


I will let you know as soon as I heard and picked a winner.

until then, anyone who heard few of them and can compare would be happy to hear it here.



I wish I could.

I’m not from the US and I’m limited.

talked to the owner of the Ref75 se he connected it for 5 hours in seperate place and he said there was 0 noise after 4-5 hours of running. anyway im taking it for a verfied ARC mechanic to check it out. then im gonna do a sound test compare to the VX-5 twenty and choose 1 :D