Audio Research Reference 5 Preamp

So I see on the Audio Research Data Base website they listed the new ARC REF 5 preamp for $12000. Does anybody have any details about it?
You have to hand it to ARC. They sure know how to extract cash from their clientele. They know that a certain percentage of there Ref-3 owners will trade up for the new model. I guess that's how they stay in business.
Isn't it amazing that after all this time and effort, there's still room for "substantial" improvement in even the most expensive products?
I read the discussion on AVguide as well on the Ref 5.

While I am sure it will be glowing review when they (TAS and Stereophile) review it as soon as it goes to production.
How could it not be?

Sorry, but I cannot help but think...this is a 12K + this economy...who the heck can spend this kind of jack on components at this time??
Rx8man - Consider the REF 5 the 'REF 3 MkII' - an expensive 'upgrade' where you send your REF 3 to someone else and receive the REF 5 back for 12k minus the money you got for selling your REF 3.
The model number 4 seldom appears in hi-end audio products, at least not from companies that want to sell any of those products in Asian countries. The number 4 represents bad luck.
I heard from a reputable source at ARC that the Ref 5 will have the same tube compliment as the ref 3. Totally new circuit boards with some circuit changes. The board is horizontal instead of vertical. The sound improvement is said to be quite substantial. Deeper, more articulate bass and more extended top end is probably the first thing you will notice, but this improvement is across the whole spectrum. There is an additional finish combo with silver knobs/handles with the natural finish. I'm sure it will sound amazing, I just placed my order and delivery is about 4 weeks out. I'll let you know more when it comes in.
There is a discussion on audioasylum and avguide I believe. Valin ( among others) makes some comments.