Audio Research Ref 6 SE

Hi , was told today that Audio Research Ref 6 SE is about to get released with first shipment scheduled by the end of December/ early January, if anyone has more information about specs please share , I emailed AR support waiting for response with details but they confirmed about Ref 6 SE release . I was about to purchase one so would be interested to see what got upgraded or how much will current Ref 6 will drop in price ..,
I assume the complainers have a HUGE problem
 with Sony, Denon, etc, for updating their products annually, as opposed to a minimum three year interval as ARC does, right?
i also assume they would be happier with many different versions of... lets say the ref1, as opposed to every ref1 being the same?
for me, I am very happy they continue to noticeably improve their products, and if they can be updated, offer that option!
 Understand from some that they want to jump off the upgrade cycle, but I must ask, are you still using the rest of the same equipment you used YEARS ago when the ref6 was introduced?
Same dac?  Speakers?
This is a dumb ass thread. Complaining about new models. Every tech company does this. Yes it sucks you bought yiur product a couple weeks b4 a new model. Happens all the time. Computers.. Cars... Damn near amything and everything gets a new model. New electronics become more affordable so they can afford to put things in new models. Lol the cost to upgrade to se is 3000g. Enjoy your ref 6 for few years. Or at least until wartanty is up. Then upgrade to get a extended wartanty... But hate to tell ya a new model will be released and youll want that newer model lol. Greed
We all deal with that deadly sin. But is the sound gonna be lightyears better. Highly doubt it. 
Speakers, amps, parts are all technically made the same way as it was in the early days. Hell tubes are old. And not going anywhere
Record players are the same as early days. Maybe the biggest increase yiu may get is in dacs since digital has become very analog sounding last ten years. But give me a break. There will always be a better model. Just give it time 😆
I currently have a arc ref 5 preamp and ref 75 amp
Love them. I asked arc if and when i upgrade to se models which one would make best difference. His advice. Keep amp the way it was and buy ref6se
And btw the biggest increase when upgradong products. I went from.. Started with parasound halo hap z1 for dac

Upgraded to krell 2250 amp. Needed a preamp. So bought a jolida fusion preamp... Sounded great. Then bought denafrips pontus dac and realized it sounded better than my sony. 
Not by much... Biggest increase in sound for me was my arc ref 5 preamp. It humped up in soundstage. Just amazing. I went from krell kav 2250 to arc ref 75. Krell can hold its own. I didnt hear a jump. But wanted to make my room arc gear. I do think preamp is the best piece of gear you can buy... Behind speakers.
Im a focal guy. Started with electra 1007be bookshelfs. Sounded great but found some chorus 836v focals somewhat locally pretty cheap. I was astonished how much better it sounded with towers. So from that point on i upgraded thru the focal models. Went from chorus to aria 948. Really great speakers for the price and recently bought sopra 3. Dream speakers. And each time the sound got better. But best value was definatly the chorus and arias... Got them pretty cheap. Sopras cost a pretty penny. But were my endgame speakers. Biggest increase for me was the preamp... So maybe the SE upgrade is worth it. 
I hate to be a asshole but every tech, car manufacturer do this. Release newer models right after you paid retail for the older model
Youll be fine
Arc make the finest gear. Id say majority of the ppl on this forum would love to have your ref 6... Or my ref 5
These postings about ARC model revisions, frequency, and quality implications are the same as those of 5 and 10 years ago.   If you like the new "neutral" sound signature, which is much less "tube euphonic/romantic" than the ARC of the 70s-80s, you won't be disappointed with the quality of build and customer support. If you prefer the older gear sound, build, and looks, there is plenty available and ARC will service the vast majority of it. They aren't cheap, new or old, but they are still in business, unlike many others from 20-30s years ago, let alone 50 years. If you don't like ARC at all there are plenty of other choices in this hobby. I've owned various ARC gear since 1979 (SP6B/D52B) and some have been superb, others less so, and overall I would consider ARC to be mid-level high end both in terms of "the absolute sound" reproduction and build quality.  New ARC gear is expensive, but also mid level high end in the context of much of its competition. However their longevity. general consistency, and customer service are very uncommon in high end audio and those qualities, to my mind, compensate for their marketing hyperbole that has, unfortunately, become essential to remain economically viable.
Companies aren’t going to disclose to the general public when a new product is going to be launched for the reason retailers would not be able to sell remaining stock of the current model. This is especially true for retailers of hiend audio who have demo equipment and stock pieces they need to move before a new product is launched. Generally retailers of audio equipment are given 3-6 month headway
from the manufacturers that a product is about to be replaced and retailers will not disclose that info to anyone. Also, most products replaced are always followed by a 10-25% price increase.