Audio Research ls 15/16 Tube rolling

Hi !
Anyone who had some tuberolling to ARC LS 15.
Some tubes that have worked better than others?

Kehut,fine post.I have a Great Northern Sound modded SP-15,with infinicaps/Elna and Black Gates in various circuits,within.I have and love my Ediswans(3 tubes in phonostage),however just went for my "LUNGS" on a set of ULTRA LOW NOISE Siemens CCa's(early 60's).These are going in this weekend.I do hope I like them "alot" better than the Ediswans,or I'll shoot myself,based on what my expectations are,and what I payed.I have absolutely no complaints with the Ediswans,which are of a very high pedigree as regards to how they tested(very low noise,too),but have heard so much about the Siemens,especially the vintage I just got,that I had to see for myself.BTW,my pal has the exact Pre as me,and an almost identical system,he has the Amperex PQ 6922's,which sound quite similar to the Ediswans.Best of luck.Especially to me on Saturday!!
Sirspeedy...Very good. The CCa of early vintage offer a very smooth, yet textured sound. Very palpable compared to the later CCa's and other Siemens tubes IMO. The highs should be more smooth but maybe less transparent than the Edi's. The bass will be more robust on the CCa's...but perhaps not as tightly defined as the Edi''ll have to hear for yourself for sure. You can always resell either tube after you give it some time to evaluate them.

OLcm--I forgot to make mention of my new favorite 6922 Im using in my ARC PH3SE phono pre amp. I replaced my early CCa's with a trio of Russian( read correctly!) 6H23n-eb SLNM Cryo's tubes available from Ken( no relation either personally or professionally) at ATSI in Florida. This tube is killer in every way and has to my ears all the sonics we want in a tube. Linear, yet warm. Detailed and resolving..yet not at all bright or grainy. Excellent bass without bloat or tubbyness and miles of depth and soundstage abilities that embarras many NOS tubes....Bottom line...If I were lookoing to retube my LS15 now..I would definately give these tubes a whirl. A matched pair is about $75.00 and well worth the cost for a quad....Ken
My Ls 15 has Infini caps.

Is the V1-V2 driver tubes more important than
V3-V4 cathode followers in tuberolling LS 15 ?
"Is the V1-V2 driver tubes more important than V3-V4 cathode followers tuberolling LS 15?"...

Probably so...although both will affect sonic changes. I heard this when I used only 2 Tungsrams in the V3-V4 positions while rolling mine. I always went with a matched or close matched quad while using the 15 and evaulating the different tubes.
Kehut,"you da man",when it comes to tubes,obviously!One quick question.I have,both,Ediswan 6922's and Ediswan 5308's.Any thoughts,as to your own performance opinion,on these?Thanks.