Audio Research Financial Troubles

Was wondering if anyone had noticed that there seems to be a lot of ARC for sale on this site (62 right now) and on eBay there is 268 listings for ARC. Is this in response to the rumor of ARC having financial troubles and people are worried they may go under. Does anyone have an update on this or other info or am I being paranoid? And has the demand for ARC equipment gone down due to this? It appears that the ARC stuff is not selling. Your thoughts.Thanks.


Showing 1 response by designsfx

If you’re in need of high quality tube components and there is a lot out there then there are probably good deals to be made. I would look at that as an opportunity. 
ARC has had its ups and downs like everyone else but I don’t see them going anywhere. They make great equipment and it will provide years of enjoyment. I’ve been using my last ARC purchased for 6 years now and have not felt the need nor have I considered replacing it with something else. 
I can see that there may be some people looking to move away from tubes as the prices have risen dramatically over the last few years but when you break it down it’s really not that expensive. I typically try to listen to my gear 3-4 hours a night       (sometimes more). If you break down the cost of eight KT-150 tubes over 18 months it’s still less than some people spend per day on coffee at Starbucks.