Audio Research D240MKII or ARC D130

Hi fellow Agoner's.....

Looking for advice on which ARC SS amp to use for a second system I am putting together. Just purchased ARC LS1 pre from Agon and wanting to match it with either of the SS amps I mentioned. Anyone who has experience with both and can offer opinions would be appreciated. BTW, is there a big difference between D240 MKI vs D240 MK II? Probably getting Vandersteen 2ce sigs ( It's time for my original 2c's to retire after 20 faithful years!), Audio Physics or Meadowlark speakers as well. Also appreciate recommendations for cost effective(remmeber this is a second system) on IC/speaker cables for above.

Ditto with Audiotomb...the D200 does much more right then the other (2) mentioned products...great mids, good speed!
I have a D240MKII and it sounds fantastic. I haven't heard a D130 so I can't comment on that. The D240MKII has plenty of power and if it presents any coloration it is slightly towards the warm side of things. Similiar to tubes.