Audio Research CD Remote Control

I purchased an Audio Research CD3 recently
but it didn't come with a remote control.

According to the ARC manual the remote
uses RC5 Codes. I believe these are Phillips
codes, which would make sense seeing as
how the transport in my unit is a Phillips OEM part.

Has anyone found a remote that will work
with ARC CD players.

I have a universal remote that I'll eventually
use, but I need something to 'teach' my
universal how to control a CD player.

Would any old remote for a Phillips CD
do the trick?

Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by gregorybraun


Thank you. That's the universal remote that I have.

But don't I still need a remote control that sends RC5
infra-red signals that the 850 can then 'learn' from?


Thanks to Cleeds & Reubent

I'm glad I asked here on Audiogon.

I'm reluctant some times to post a
specific question because on other
sites I get mostly speculation and
little or no real experience with my
specific question or situation.

Thanks again