Audio Research 75 SE

I just heard there is an Audio Research Ref 5 SE and they are offering the update to Ref 75 owners. Not only includes the 150 tube but also some circuit changes to better accommodate the new tube. Audio Research states this is a dramatic improvement as much so as from Ref 5 to the Ref 5SE.. Anybody heard it.
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Showing 1 response by knghifi

03-27-15: Tsushima1
Well Oregonpapa! Should your career in stand up comedy not work out, it would appear that you would be a shoe in with customer services over at Obviscation Central.

Should you wish to make yourself really useful, perhaps you might inquire of your 'source' as to list of the componant parts utilized within the SE upgrade service/kit, the total within your basket upon checkout at Mouser may prove most insightful.
If you don't find the SE upgrade is good ROI, then don't do it?? You do have a choice??

Don't tell me my government is imposing another mandate if I don't upgrade, I have to pay a STIFF penalty.