Audio Refinement Complete 'a' Integrated preouts

I’m an admitted newbie with a couple questions regarding my Audio Refinement Complete a integrated amplifier. First with the really amateur question: The ARC has ‘preout’ inputs so I’d like to purchase a power amp to run through it. Regarding the hook up- The ARC has a right and left inputs, so will I just hook the right and left channels from the power amp into the corresponding ARC R/L inputs?

My other question is much more subjective: Has anyone used a separate power amp through an ARC integrated? I don’t expect the ARC to give a good quality separate preamp a run for its money, but was the sound decent enough to not offend your ears? Input from others that have used the preout inputs on another integrated amp would be appreciated as well. For what it's worth the Odyssey Stratos is on the short list for this duty.

Thank you
First, the "preouts" are OUTPUTS not inputs. To use them you would disconnect your speaker cables from this unit and hook them up to whatever amp you want to use. Then run a set of interconnects from the "preouts" to the "inputs" on the amp.

I haven't owned an Audio Refinement unit, but have done this many times with other equipment. Works well, in most cases.
Thank you Mofimadness, your response really helped clarify things (embarrassingly I completely forgot about the speaker cable connection!).

One last question, can I use two mono amps each plugged into the integrateds corresponding R/L preout output?
Yes, mono amps are the same as a stereo amp, just two boxes instead of one. A stereo amp, of course will have a separate right and left input, (2 total) where a mono amp will have just one.

Remember to keep all the inputs and outputs to the correct right or left channel/speaker.
Mofimadness is absolutely correct with his/her information and instructions. This is one of my favorite integrated amps, the preamp section may surprise you with its quality.

One assumes you've already run the amp as is and now are seeking more power to gain a more authoritative sound. Good luck with your endeavors.