Audio Refinement cd vs. MF A3 cd

I'm looking towards upgrading my Cambridge Audio CD4se with a player costing in the sub 1,500 price range. It will be used with Maggie 1.6qr's, Belles Hot Rod 150A amp, & Music Reference RM5III pre. The CD4se sounds very nice at it's price, but I'm looking for better detail resolution, a more extended & airy high end, & well defined, solid bass. I'm not a fan of dry, analytical sound. Reliability is also a factor. The Audio Refinement Complete & Musical Fidelity A3cd are two candidates I'm considering.Has anyone heard these in comparison? Or, does anyone have others that they think should be considered also. Thanks, Will.

Showing 1 response by subaruguru

Also disappointed by BOTH the ARC (too soft) and the 'Canto
(too "whitish"...slightly smeared up top). Rotel on a Neuance isolation platform floats my boat 'til...?