Audio Physic speakers

Has anyone had any experience with the Audio Physic Tempo plus speakers? My dealer who is thinking about becoming a dealer. Because I have a good relationship with my dealer he allowed me to take them.home for a weekend. OMG  as compared to my Revel F208s the imaging, clarity, detail and soundstage blew me away. My F208s couldn't even hold a candle to them I know price isn't everything the Revel's are 5k ,and  the Audio Physic are 6.5k plus they are a smaller profile and footprint.
Happy Listening

Showing 2 responses by jdal

I have a pair. See my post below about Bache Audio Tribeca speakers. If you’re in Long Island you can listen to both speakers at my place. That said, while I think the Tempos are fun speakers, the Tribeca’s absolutely smoke them.

 My room is 13x21. Soundstage is great, but bass is lacking. I was considering moving up to the Midex or Codex but went with something else.