Audio Physic Spark v. Joseph RM-22 sigs

I am considering selling my Magneplanar 1.6qr speakers and buying either the Audio Physic Spark or the Joseph RM-22s. Both are right at my price limit of about $2500. I currently use a McIntosh MA-6500 amp & McIntosh MVP-841 CD/dvd & Music Hall mmf-7. Room is 22' x 15' w/ 17' ceiling. However I have to sit 8' from the speakers (very weird, I know, but nothing can be done).

Thanking you in advance for your 'SOUND' advice!

Showing 2 responses by tacs

All I can say is, you're in for a disappointment going from Maggies back to any box speaker.
Do you not like the sound or are you fed up with the ergonomics? That I could understand...they're big and difficult to place.
Ake, I agree with your preference for SETs, but what you didn't like about the Maggies you might chalk up to having to use high power solidstate amplifiers, which as you now know, have all kinds of problems re-creating low level signals with fidelity, in comparison with SETs.
I would love to hear the 1.6s hooked up to something like the VTL Wotans in triode mode!