Audio out of sync with video DVD

I just bough my first surround processor, a Rotel 1065. I Do sound mixing and editing in the movie biz so I might be more sensitive to this than others but hope there is a fix.

I notice when watching a DVD and listening though the Rotel the sound is not in sync with the video? It seems to me Rotel would put a video delay in the signal path to compensate for this, but it seem they do not.

Is there a fix for this?

It could be my Cheep DVD player.

Thanks, Mark
Could be your DVD player, could be your DVDs. I have one DVD with no A/V sync problems using the Dolby Digital soundtrack, but it's out of sync on the DTS soundtrack.

Some DVD players and some pre/pros have the ability to set a sync delay (in milliseconds) to deal with this. The latest Rotel processor, the RSP-1068, can do this. Your RSP-1065 cannot. Usually this is a feature of the more expensive/more advanced pre/pros.
I would contact the dealer where you bought it from. Ask him why. Rotel makes a very good product. Maybe yours is defective.
mj662, I'm using a Esoteric DV 50. The video is based on a Pioneer DVD player. It has a feature called Prog Motion and can adjust in 8-10 increments of fast vs slow. I assume this will help with this issue. Although I've never had a reason to try it.

Good luck