Audio Note Japan vs Audio Note UK--Comments?

Would very much appreciate hearing from anyone in the know.
It's a very long story that's best left in the past. Don't want to get into the politics...Suffice it to say that Audio Note UK took liberties. The two companies are quite different in their design philosophies now.
I have Audio Note UK kit. I love it. AN Japan is better, harder to get, and much more expensive. For the politics, look on AA. THey got into it ad nauseum.
What I would like to know is how much difference in performance is there between same or similar models from the two different sources?
Just another tit-bit as I understand it: Audio Note originally started in Japan by Kondo-san but today, legally, Audio Note is the British company. The original Japanese company is not allowed to use "Audio Note" & has changed names to Kondo.

AFAIK, the model names & numbers are totally different. In all probability you have not heard of the AN Japan products as the ones usually referred to are the UK company's products - esp. the AN DACs & their SET tube amps.

The co. Kondo hand makes all its products & they are made in very small numbers, very expensive & set to much higher performance standards of music reproduction. I think that one of their flagship amps costs $60,000! You might have seen some of their MC step-ups xformers on A'gon, which usually sell for $3000. The AN UK equivalent sell for $500 (& maybe upto a $1000).

Not much info, I know but I hope it adds to your awareness of Kondo-san's company.