Audio Note Cobra and Cambridge Audio MXN10




I recently purchased a Cambridge Audio MXN10 streamer/DAC to connect to my Audio Note Cobra. I was hoping to use the MXN10 to stream and use the built in DAC on the Cobra. Unfortunately, when I connect via Coax or USB I get no sound.
When I connect via the analog outputs it works fine. Has anyone had this issue? Suggestions are appreciated.




What bit depth are you sending to the dac in the Cobra? That’s a 16 bit chip with either a 44.1 or 48 ceiling.

Yes, I just checked the Cobra specs and over usb it won’t accept anything over 16/48.

Thank you all for your input. That's what I was thinking the issue was as well but wanted to check to make sure. I will reach out to CA and see if there are any options. In the meantime is there a streamer that you could recommend for less than $400 that is known to work with the Cobra?