Audio Note AN-L vs Lexus LX Spk Cable

I was amazed at the improvement in cohenrence, details & bass brought about by the AN-L over the Rega Quattro thru my Harbeth C7ES3.

Has anyone auditioned the AN-L against the Lexus? BTW, is the AN-La a replacement for the AN-L?

Appreciate if someone can enlighten me. Thanks.
Thanks. I bought the Lexus and very smooth just as you've described.

Mutually exclusive quality of smoothness with details & texture. Not sure if "analog-like" is good word to describe the sound, but that's how I feel.

The AN-L sounds more meaty and comes with more harmonics though, so may suit leaner systems with lower end digital source. I actually like it too - quite fluid and natural, but certainly less open than the Lexus.
I was able to compare the two when I upgraded my AN-E/L speaker's internal cable from AN-L to AN-Lexus. The improvement was very audible. Much better low frequency control. The high frequencies seem to also be a little less brash. The midrange frequencies are definitely more natural and organic sounding. I believe that AN Lexus is probably the best sounding copper speaker cable that I have ever heard at any price. To best it you have to go silver. And I am not talking about lower strand count silver either. Audio Note's entry level silver wire AN-SPa can't best the lexus in most areas. You have to move up to the very expensive SPe before you start hearing an improvement. So that makes the Lexus a pretty good value as well. Hope this helps.
