Audio Museum...what would you want?

As I mentioned in a post to another thread, one of my long time fantisies has been that some day I'll have the dough to buy back all the old gear I've sold over the years, and have a museum of my old equipment. I'd start with the Empire Troubador turntable I bought in high school, as well as my first Marantz amp (it had beautiful big blue meters!!) Of course, I'd also have to find an intact Infinity Black Widow tone arm on a Kenwood KD-500, a pair of Dahlquist get the idea.

The question is, what component would YOU most want to have for your personal audio museum?

Showing 1 response by estrnad

I kept my Empire 598, but it's in a box in the garage. Even found a replacement belt for it; still works great... But sold off the Empire 999 cartridge (couldn't afford the 1000) long long ago.
Have a Fisher tuner kit (KM-60) I built in '68, still works. Finally found my original s/s amp, an Eico 3070 kit, in working order earlier this year. First speakers re-gained also--AR4x many of you also started with these and lusted for the 3a's?? Definitely museum pieces.