Audio Magic Clairvoyant Liquid Air AC cable

I am about to buy this cable to use on my Lampizator Dac.

Anyone have one in their system that could give me some feedback?

Looking for a dead quiet/open and extended AC wire. Budget 1.5K

If I could find the JPS Aluminata on the Gon I would buy but everyone is holding on to them. Hoping the AM will be as good or better.

Showing 3 responses by cellcbern

I am using the Audio Magic Clairvoyant Liquid Air AC cord from my Bybee Power Purifier "Stealth" AC conditioner to the transport (the Sony box) of my Modwright modified Sony 5400ES (I have a Lessloss Signature on the seperate power supply). Haven't heard it with a DAC, but in my system it is the best AC cord I've heard with the 5400. I tried KS Emotion, ASI Liveline, Tara Labs The One, and several others on the 5400 and the Liquid Air cable easily bested them all. It is quiet, open, extended, fast, and musical, and is the most analogue sounding AC cable I've ever heard. The Liquid Air cable was a little bass shy on my modified Pathos TT - The KS Emotion was better there.
I have a Clairvoyant Liquid Air AC cord running from my Bybee Power Purifier 'Stealth' power conditioner to my Modwright-Sony 5400ES SACD player (modified Sony transport - not the seprerate power supply). It has proven to be the best AC cord I have found in this particular use, besting Lessloss Signature, Tara Labs "The One", Kubala Sosna Emotion, and ASI Liveline cords. The Modwight-Sony 5400ES is a superb unit that has virtually no electronic signature with any of these cords. However with the the Liquid Air cord CD's and SACD's sound like high end vinyl. If I had to use one word to describe the sound of the Clairvoyant Liquid Air AC cord in this application it would be "analogue". However I preferred the Kubala Sosna cord on my modified Pathos TT RR amp. But I intend to listen to the Liquid Air cord on the Pathos again. The Liquid Air cord sounds different from all of these metal cords, and on the Pathos amp I had the sense that something was missing, particularly in the bass. However I am not sure that it weasn't a case of my ears not being used to a complete lack of metal and the electronic signature that metal cables have. Note that the Liquid Air cord was as fast as the ASI Liveline.
I had the full Cerious loom a couple of years ago, when Six Moons first reviewed them. They were very musical but a little slow, and they rounded off transients and softened dynamics a little. They were also stiff and difficult to route. I can only compare based on memory, but as I recall the Cerious sound, the AM Clairvoyant Liquid Air is clearly superior to the Cerious AC cord, in every parameter.