Audio Icon/Idol - Who would you like to meet?

What audio icons/idols would you like to meet? Someone that you regard as an important keyperson in audio development.

I would like to have a chat with:

John Bowers - B&W Speakers, regarding the Matrix 801
Peter Walker - Everything about QUAD
Saul Marantz - His idea of a perfect amplifier
Raymond Cooke - Regarding the KEF 105rr speaker

Dewald Visser

Showing 2 responses by shadorne

Lets not forget the guys at the console and responsible for the technical quality in what we hear. Here a few of the greats;
Doug Sax
George Massenburg
Bob Katz
Alan Parsons
Bob Ludwig
David Lord
Quincy Jones
Jack Renner
Chuck Ainlay
James Guthrie
How can you guys forget Roger Nichols that engineered Donald Fagen's "The Nightfly"...

I think Bob Ludwig, in my original list, did the mastering on Nightfly...I just couldn't list everyone, I guess.

George Martin is a good suggestion....did much of the Beatles stuff - a little too heavily panned (stuff seems to come out one speaker or the other) for my tastes but great stuff nevertheless - Sergeant Pepper is an all time classic - groundbreaking in almost every way.